Scarlett and Rhett

These two Pekins were rescued from the Michigan Humane Society – Rochester, along with a third Pekin named Bleau, who found a girl of his own already waiting for him at the Sanctuary.  Scarlett (on the right) was a name that my wife wanted to use when we got our next hen duck and this was […]

Tiffany and Truman

Everyday at the Sanctuary is guaranteed to put at least two (but usually one hundred or more) smiles on your face, but occasionally sadness rears its ugly head upon the angels that reside here.  Just a few days after I took these  pictures of Beautiful Tiffany (all brown call duck) and her mate, the handsome Truman, Tiffany came […]


This tiny munchkin is Dean and he’s very excited to be going back out side after a couple of weeks on the DL (baseballs reference to the Disabled List) for a right eye infection.  He is 1/2 of the Co. in Fergie and Co….