This is a post that I needed to put ahead of all of the (many) others, because this angel girl needs prayers ASAP. Kaylee, named after the girl who drove almost two hours from Kalamazoo to bring her to us, who bitten by a dog while she roamed freely around (and not IN) her property. Apparently there are four other ducks that are associated with Kaylee that have poor supervision as well. Kaylee’s sister noticed that a duck (she believes it ‘might’ belong to the neighbor with the other four) was being attacked by a dog, which finally let go and left, when Kaylee quickly rushed out to help the poor bleeding baby. She wrapped her comfortably in a towel, took her inside, and then called several organizations for help, to no avail, until she contacted us. She was then willing to drive here almost immediately.
After she arrived, I took her inside to put her under a heat lamp, but when I had seen the extent of her injuries, I immediately called my vet, Dr. Cavander, and lucky for Kaylee, she was still in the office, doing an emergency call. I had just been there about an hour earlier, picking up Beauregard and Snow Cup (and in about 5 hours, I have to drop off The Count, who was bitten in the neck by a mink!). It has been an extremely busy (and stressful several weeks), which will be posted about shortly, when things slow hopefully slow down a bit.
This post relates to a previous post on our FB page, about the Rouen girl that was the last of I believe six that were left out for ‘fodder’ when closed out of their home, because they became an inconvenience to their ‘purchaser’. We had a very vulgar troll (that was banned from our page because of her ‘fowl’ mouth) who stated that they can ‘live without protection and supervision’. Well…this IS what happens to MANY unprotected domestic ducks and other animals not properly cared for, actually, many don’t survive Let’s just pray that Kaylee pulls through. She is spending the night in the strange and unfamiliar surroundings of a veterinarian office, and I have no idea what has happened since she was dropped off. Please say a quick prayer for a full recovery.
This poor girl has also been the target of very aggressive males for some time. Notice the raw back (not counting the puncture wound in the middle of the back), and the rawness down the back of the neck She has been tormented for some time, without ANY intervention from her ‘so-called’ caretakers! She will never have to endure this kind of complete torture again, providing she makes it through the recovery.
Also, anyone wishing to donate even just a few dollars for her surgery (I have no idea what she has gone through, but I can assure you that it was NOT painless), is welcome to use the Please Donate tab at the top of this page. This has been a very demanding few weeks, and a fourth vet visit in just two days alone, will take place within just a few short hours. I will post all of the bills when I receive them, and please remember, we are a non-profit 501(c)3 charity, and your appreciated donations ARE tax deductible. Thank you again so much, from all of us here at the Sanctuary.
Also, please be a responsible pet owner, the precious pets that you have taken the responsibility of sharing your time and home, truly do depend on YOU!
I just came upon you website while researching animal rescues, just because I love animals. How is Kaylee? Did she live?
Hi MJ, thanks for your concern, Kaylee made a wonderful recovery, and is doing very well with her new brothers and sisters. I will be getting caught up with updates soon, hopefully. Thanks, Matt
That is wonderful to know! Thanks for the update! Made my mood much better. God bless all your efforts at the sanctuary! <3