Henry Allen Ford

IMG_8873 (768x1024)Henry Allen Ford is our latest little rescue. I received a call from Doug yesterday and he had explained to me that a little male Mallard had been living in a drain culvert next to the parking lot at his place of work. Apparently he was attacked by a hawk and had some damage to a wing and foot and was unable to fly away with his mate some time ago. He had been fending for himself since about October and surviving on anything that was ‘tossed’ his way. Doug had recently purchased a large bag of protein to help Henry Allen Ford receive some proper nutrition (nice job Doug). We had set up a time to meet with Doug earlier today in an attempt to bring him to a much better place to recover from his very lonely existence. The day began with a few hours of continuing snowfall (still falling as I post), so the drive was slowed somewhat, but our mission would not be abandoned (that’s where the 4×4 comes in handy), this little guy was coming home with us TODAY!. Doug had met us there promptly, and H.A.F. was scooped up without a hitch. I’m sure at this point that he didn’t mind the company one bit. I think by now he would have been snowed in the culvert pipe. But as of now, he is safe and sound in his little open carrier in our laundry room with a full bowl of protein mix and clean fresh water. He is also in the nighttime company of Bubbles and Huey (Kelsey decided to stay in the freshly ‘strawed’ garage. He will probably stay in for about a week while we watch him closely. His name…? well…A Ford Motor Company in Allen Park, MI. He will NEVER be alone again! Thanks for your help Doug, as well as your much appreciated donation! IMG_8867 (768x1024) IMG_8842 (768x1024) IMG_8836 (768x1024) IMG_8834 (768x1024) IMG_8832 (768x1024) IMG_8830 (768x1024)

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