Another angel in Heaven

Sunday last week, 8/9/15, we were devastated by the unexpected loss of our very precious Patito. He had been out front under a miniature Japanese maple tree, in the shade, with his best girl Sophia, as well as Daisy and Charlotte. Theresa and I just returned home after a midday Sunday excursion, when she was the first to round the corner in sight of the relaxing quartet. As she left my sight, the only thing I heard was her voice, and the disconcerting tone of “Oh, no!”, I immediately knew that something was not right. I rushed up to meet her, just as she was about to tell me that Patito has passed away, lying so close to Sophia. She hurriedly picked him up and we quickly went into the house, if only just to hold and comfort his lifeless body. We were both (and pretty much still are) in total disbelief. We truly believe that we love each and all of our babies equally, though you cannot help but bond more strongly with others, perhaps because in his case, he was held several times daily, and tended to so often. We were so taken aback by his departure, that we had an autopsy done, just to try to understand why, as he appeared to have no noticeable symptoms of illness.
The results tended to point to Epicarditis (Pericarditis), which is an inflammation around the outer lining of the heart. Although Patito often had a somewhat minor labored breathing issue, most likely a result of his lack of complete development of his chest cavity and keel pronouncement, it was suggested that an infection of some type (possibly respiratory), may have contributed to his youthful passage. It has been very difficult for me to want to sit down and write this story, as my heart is still on a very slow mend. We have never had the privilege of caring for such a loved creation. Patito has always garnered a multitude of affection and an outpouring of support, unlike any other rescues that we have ever experienced before. Sadly, because of his congenital issue, it was difficult to notice a physical change in his nature, that might have been more quickly detected in a ‘walking’ duck, which may have sat or rested more often than usual. Our only consolation is that he is now in the presence of his Creator, the only ONE who can, and will, truly make him whole once more!
Patito, our precious angel, you were, and will always be, loved SO much! smile emoticon God bless you little sweetheart!


RIP 5/19/15 – 8/9/15

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