Two Swans ‘a’ Eating

Two of our ‘resident’ Mute Swans, Maggie and Magnum, eating away with all of their friends (and visiting mallards) here at the Sanctuary. Mute Swans get a bad rap from a variety of uninformed accusers, for their ‘alleged’ aggressiveness. I have been in the company of swans on many occasions over the years (even so close […]

Wood Duck Greeting

I came out this past morning to find our new little visitor ‘resident’ greeting me (or possibly telling me I’m late for feeding). We call him Cordell, as we have a few that visit us daily (I am beginning to believe by their always being in plain sight, that they spend the nights here as […]

Morning feeding at the Sanctuary!

The morning of 12/21/15, the 2nd ‘snowfall’ of this winter, and the 1st time the pond started to freeze (but only for a few days). Some of the angels didn’t want to come up to eat, so… daddy went to THEM! Spoiled? Yes! It was quite a typically active morning as you can see and […]

Max’s New Beginning

Please note that this story was written Saturday 11/28/15. On Saturday, 11/21/15, I received an email from my friend Dorothy, who runs Sasha Farms, and she stated that she recently received an email from Anna, who was in a desperate need to find a nice home for her Green Winged Scarlet Macaw (aka Red and […]

Good bye Belleville!!

Another busy day, another busy week, another busy month for rescues here at the Sanctuary. It started in Flatrock, in the Huron Metropark area (almost an hour away), and ended in Belleville. Five total rescues: a goose with a damaged wing, a male Rouen with a swollen head, possibly an infection, another male rouen, a […]